Water …
… is a basic raw material for the food industry. In many cases the water quality is directly linked to the product quality. BWS sees itself as a bridge and system integrator for plant construction – with the goal to unite quality requirements and economic efficiency.
With expertise, commitment and in-depth knowledge of your production processes we deliver custom-fit solutions, where standard approaches hardly meet your demand!
Based on the goal of handling water as a resource in a sustainable and economic way, BWS relies on an integrated water management approach. We take over partial or complete services for you.
Be it EHEDG guidelines or KTW rules, we always work according to the highest quality standards environmental standards and safety standards.
- Economic feasibility studies (Total Cost of Operation (TCO) analysis)
- Demand analyses, feasibility studies
- Planning for the construction or optimization of complete water systems
- Treatment of well, surface or city water
- Water degassing
- Dechlorination
- Disinfection and CIP circuits
- Chemical-physical wastewater treatment
- Biological wastewater treatment (anaerobic/aerobic)
- Water circulation systems and water recycling
- Cooling circuit systems
- Energy generation from wastewater
- Zero liquid discharge (ZLD)
- Plant maintenance
- Consumables service

Herbert Bassek
Head of Sales
mobile: +49 151 40649668
What makes us special
- Talk directly to competent contact persons that understand your production processes
- Fast and straightforward solution proposals and reliable detection of costs
- Turn key – plants
- Building renovation projects
- Plug and play container plants
- Up-to-date automatization and visualization of process steps